New York

Business Litigation Lawyer

Over 25 years of experience helping businesses and individuals succeed in their most complex and challenging legal matters.

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Welcome to Law Office
of Frank J. Monteleone

The law office of Frank J. Monteleone is an elite business counsel and business litigation lawyer firm that assists business and individual clients in a broad range of business law and litigation matters. We combine the sophistication and high quality legal counsel of the large New York law firms with the economy, dedication and individual attention of a small firm.

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Attorney At Law

What We Do

Our Practice Areas

Whether you need to initiate litigation to enforce your legal rights, need to defend yourself in litigation, or seek advice to anticipate and avoid potential legal issues before they develop into litigation, we can help you. We advise and represent our clients in a wide variety of business and commercial litigation matters.

Business Disputes and Litigation

It is an unfortunate fact of life for any modern commercial enterprise that some percentage of its transactions will end up in a dispute between the parties to that transaction.

Business and Commercial Law

We have extensive experience guiding our business clients through the broad range of legal and business issues that newly formed or well established companies will encounter.

Corporate and Partnership Disputes

We have over twenty-five years of experience in business and commercial litigation, and therefore have the hard-earned expertise and the experience to guide you to practical,

Breach of Contract

The cornerstone of virtually every business transaction is the contract. Indeed, it is not possible to imagine any area of business and commercial law

Employment Matters

We have extensive experience with employment contracts, consulting agreements and agreements with all manner of independent contractors.

Intellectual Property

We can help you proactively protect your intellectual property and trade secrets by helping you identify these assets and establishing appropriate


Representative Matters

For experienced, focused, and diligent representation, contact the business law office of Frank J. Monteleone for a consultation.

  • Breach of Contract
  • Copyright Infringement; Theft of Trade Secrets
  • Contests for Control of Closely Held Corporations; Corporate Dissolution
  • Charitable Foundations
  • Defamation; Libel and Slander
  • Employment Litigation
  • Free Speech and First Amendment
  • Rights of Privacy and Publicity
  • Partnership Disputes
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Client Opinions & Reviews

I enthusiastically recommend Frank Monteleone as an outstanding attorney. Frank has assisted me with a variety of litigation matters and consistently has demonstrated a high degree of professionalism and intelligence. He is extremely diligent and highly ethical and puts the interests of his clients first.

Barry Silberzweig
Principal and Founder,

Prior to consulting Frank I had been represented in a litigation by several attorneys, including some big names at large firms, all of whom had failed to properly handle my case. After my first meeting with Frank, I knew things would be different. Frank succeeded where the other attorneys had failed. I was pleased with the results of my action, which resulted in a $500,000.00 settlement that Frank made sure was fully secured and paid off completely. I would never have the slightest hesitation to engage him again if the need arose, or to recommend him to someone in need of a trustworthy attorney. He is a gentleman and pleasure to work with.

Gerardo Muro
President - Bay Ready Mix & Supplies, Inc.

I contacted Frank Monteleone after our Oregon-based company was served with a lawsuit filed by a much-larger New York competitor intent on putting us out of business. Our adversary was represented by one of the large New York law firms. Being a small, privately-held company with limited resources, a negative outcome would have had serious repercussions. Frank succeeded in getting the suit dismissed, and then succeeded in doing so again a few months later when the same company tried to reopen the original suit. Ultimately, Frank helped us negotiate an amicable business settlement with the other company that actually resulted in some additional business for us. Frank’s integrity and honesty are beyond reproach, and I highly recommend his services.

James R Rullo
President - Skies America Publishing Company

I have known Frank Monteleone professionally for over 10 years and he has represented me in a number of legal matters. In my experience, I have found Frank's legal advice to be extremely astute, well researched and very complete.

Ian Goldman
President / CEO - Celerant Technology Corp.

Frank is not just the best lawyer, he is the most understanding, compassionate and honest lawyer in New York City.

Omar Ali

Frank Monteleone is a phenomenal attorney. I recommend him without hesitation.

Jesse Stevenson

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Call Us On: 1-212-475-9764

    Latest Blog Post

    Business Law, Business Management, Small Business | May 14, 2019

    When Is An Independent Contractor Really An Employee? The Perils of Misclassification

    Most employers have a basic understanding of the differences between independent contractors and employees. Most fundamentally, you pay wages to employees and must withhold taxes and Social Security, pay unemployment taxes, pay worker’s compensation insurance premiums and provide various benefits.

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    Business Law, Business Management, Small Business | May 14, 2019

    The Basics of Copyright

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    Trademark Basics for Business Owners

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    Business Law, Business Management, Small Business | May 14, 2019

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    Online Defamation Part 2

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    Business Litigation, Frank Monteleone | June 12, 2018

    Online Defamation Part 1

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    Business Litigation | May 28, 2018

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    Frank Monteleone | May 13, 2018

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    Motions for Accelerated Judgment

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    Business Law, Business Litigation | April 15, 2018

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    Essential Clauses to Include in Contracts by Breach of Contract Law Firm

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    Significance of Non-Compete Agreements in Employment Matters Contracts Services

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    Future Trends in Corporate Law: How Monteleone General Counsel Services Addresses Them?

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    Comparing Fixed-Term vs. Permanent Employment Contracts with Employment Matters Contracts Services

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    Addressing the Difference Between Material and Minor Breach of Contract by Breach of Contract Law Firm

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    Breach of Contract Business Lawyer’s Ways to Assist Your Company

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    General Counsel Services Lawyer’s Ways of Mitigating Business Risks

    There are lots of financial, legal, and operational risks a business faces from its very beginning. However, how you handle the risks determines the success or failure of your venture.   One way to professionally and carefully mitigate or tackle them is to hire a general counsel services lawyer. Not only do they advise, but […]

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    Business Disputes and Litigation Services: 9 Scenarios to Hire Them

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    Corporate and Partnership Disputes: Reasons and How to Avoid Them

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    Employment Matters Contracts Services’ Ways to Protect Your Business Interests

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    Business Litigation Lawyer: Best Qualities to Find

    When companies get into legal trouble, they need to find a business litigation lawyer who has the expertise. But it’s not always easy. Without the right lawyer, businesses might face long waits, spend too much money, or end up with a lawyer who doesn’t really understand their area of work. This can lead to losing […]

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    New York’s Best Law Firm: The Benefits of Working With Experts

    We always prefer the best of all things, and so should be our criteria when choosing a law firm. New York’s best law firm excels in its practices and is known for offering phenomenal legal services. They are well-reputed and have established a rock-solid reputation in offering business law services. However, there are countless advantages […]

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    Litigation Law Firm: Ways to Evaluate the Success Rate

    When you are choosing someone to invest in for your litigation case, you cannot simply trust any law firm. Thousands of litigation law firms  claim to be the best, but it is crucial to assess and analyze their success rate carefully. Here are seven efficient methods for evaluating a lawsuit law firm’s success record so […]

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    Monteleone Law’s Top Legal Tips for Small Businesses

    As exciting as the idea of small businesses sounds, it can be a difficult task to make it flourish. Business owners are served with choices and difficult judgments that determine the fate of their business. From strategies to execution of marketing tactics, each requires a lot of effort.   However, with everything, the legal component […]

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    Breach of Contract Business Lawyer’s Methods of Proving During Business Litigation

    Business operations are based on contracts. They serve as the foundation around which businesses, employees, customers, and vendors build their relationships. But sometimes plans don’t always work out in the way you want, and a breach of contract occurs. In this scenario, one party does not honor their end of the agreement, which may result […]

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    Business Disputes and Litigation Services: How Experts Help in Unfair Competition Claims

    Competition is necessary! And our corporations are filled with it. But, these are advantageous too, especially in encouraging businesses to develop and offer superior goods and services. However, when a boundary is breached, it can result in unfair competition, which can destroy a company.   These unfair competition practices might be mild, but if they […]

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    Employment Matters Contracts Services: How Experts Help with Effective Severance Agreements

    Don’t you think it is important to ensure that both parties are protected and that the transition goes as smoothly as possible when firing an employee? A well-written severance agreement protects companies by preventing legal issues and guaranteeing a courteous exit. But how do you create a complete severance agreement with no legal issues?   […]

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    Business Litigation Lawyers: Types of Accounting Malpractices They Handle

    Accounting! The orderly world of numbers, where every penny is accounted for, and every transaction is visible. This is what comes to mind when we think of accounting, right? However, in the actual world of business, accounting may occasionally become a problem of errors, falsehoods, or even open fraud. These accidents result in monetary losses […]

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    Monteleone Law: Successful Case Outcomes in Representative Matters

    At Monteleone Law, we are proud of producing highly successful outcomes. Our firm has regularly helped clients get the results they need in a variety of complex trademark infringement lawsuits as well as real estate conflicts. However, what makes us so unique? Regardless of the issue at hand, our clients always receive the best possible […]

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    New York Best Law Firm Solutions for Manufacturers Seeking Payment for Goods Sold and Delivered

    When a manufacturer fulfills the order and delivers items, they expect timely payments. However, any delay or bad debts might negatively impact the business. Surprisingly, many manufacturers often deal with situations like this, and if they don’t get the right legal counsel, they could get into serious financial trouble.   If you are a manufacturer […]

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